Where are my dreams

By Julie-Ann Coombs. Read about all of our Voyagers here.

Where have I put my Dreams….

I am searching and they seem to be misplaced. 


It has been so long since I had even a glimpse.

They were so close but that was a long time ago, 

Before I lost my way, in the depths of chaos and mayhem.

Or is it just life!


It just gets faster,

Time has become my enemy and leaves me no time,

To even consider looking, for what I want. 

I drift between duty and need, not to me but to all!

Where are my dreams, I have misplaced them.



This searching leaves me empty, 

Nothing suffices the hunger it produces.

As it swallows me up and keeps me from finding my own.

I am not alone as the world is full of lost Dreams! 


Everyone, transfixed on speed, wanting everything so fast.

Are my dreams there, to be found.   


But alas, minutes, hours, days and years go by.

Spent tapping and tapping, searching and scouring the web of life.

The being of the future!

They are not to be found on the speed of life, the quickening!

Where are my dreams residing, I truly have lost touch!


Are they rushing by me?  

 Is it them I see in the corner of my eye periodically, 

Or are they stuck in a tree?

Hiding they are, in the deep blue sea, resting in the belly of Neptune.

To the highest peak of Everest, did I leave them there.

Basking in the sun, somewhere!

Oh, you are very clever, this game of hide and seek,

 Where are you, my Dreams?


Until one day…. Sitting quietly listening to nothing really, I get a little peak…

Unsure of it really, I lose it to the day!

The peek becomes a nudge…Oh look I see a little more

Are you there?  Hello! Hello! Can you hear me?  

Are you there my Dreams!


I have a little now the memories come forth, 

Foggy and hazy, Images appear!

Oh my, what rot I have carried on with.

I have been wide and far, 

Scouring the lands and unusual places.

I have to say, I am rather ashamed! 

Where are those Dreams I speak of?  

Where could they be? 

But here, all the time                             

They are within ME. 

Hannah Pomphrey
Owned and operated by Hannah Pomphrey, Designer and Creative Consultant. Hue & Tone specializes in print and web design for small businesses and non-profits.

The trees have eyes