Because your story changes my story.

About me: Colleen Carden


Curiosity is the foundation of my passion.

I am a seeker, a voyager. I have been on an insatiable quest to absorb life. I am a woman who gets younger in spirit as she ages because my wonder has always led me to unknown places. There, I discover more of who I am. The people I meet along the way become an integral part of my life’s journey. 

By the time I was a young adult, my spiritual curiosities had matured. I was asking questions like what is life? and why are we here? I’ve always been fascinated by the cosmos. As a teenager I saved up my allowance to purchase giant astrology books. I was intrigued by the idea that there was a world beyond planet earth where we could gain insight into ourselves as humans by looking closer within and discovering archetypes and human patterns. I loved guessing your sign based on your personality type and how you acted.  Little did I know then, I was on to something. 

Eventually I stumbled across some good old-fashion religion that had been modernized. I attended a church service in the Boston Garden with roughly 3,000 other people. Their spirit overwhelmed and inspired me. 

Soon I realized I had to denounce certain things like my love of astrology. I was told it was “of the devil.” I threw all my books away and didn’t look back for a long time. My journey was filled with new relationships, joy and wonder. Over the course of thirty years, I moved into leadership positions. My husband at the time and I raised one precious son. Five years after we took over a church in Maine, the establishment crumbled. 

After years of pervasive hypocrisy and controlling practices, I was disgusted with the church, and with myself. Then my mother died. I dropped into an abyss. Our family moved to Florida, and I began working in corporate healthcare. After finalizing my divorce, I chased pleasure. I traveled widely, grew addicted to alcohol, and failed in several relationships. I utterly abandoned my sense of self, my self-respect, my morals, my beliefs – all of it. 

I numbed myself so I wouldn’t hear my calling, much less answer it. My resistance created chaos and pain. My faith in everything divine had been corrupted, and I didn’t want to believe again. Ten years of dark nights passed. 

Eventually, through the fog, I spotted another path. I was either going to lose myself entirely or muster the courage to scream, “What do you want from me?” A revolt was born. I renounced all relationships that were keeping me from myself, all the codependency that kept my focus on others’ lives instead of my own. 

After months of deep excavation, I finally experienced clarity. I faced career changes, relationship changes, and submitted to the financial losses entailed by my new path. An absolute surrender. I no longer claimed that I knew how to achieve my dreams. The revolt required that I follow an unknown path and unleash unknown parts of myself.

The idea for the Voyager Projects arose. In a moment of divine clarity, I heard that single word, “Voyager.” The resonance was undeniable. Spiritually, all we ever do is travel to distance places. From that moment of resonance, The Voyager Projects was born. 

This is a platform for personal stories of spiritual evolution. 

Because your story changes my story.

This platform is for all of us.  Together we can walk this human path in parallel with the spiritual journey that heads the call of our souls. 

At no other time in history have we been more emotionally & spiritually vulnerable.  We are willing to own our stories and look within more than ever before.  Our courage emerges in this present moment as we not only fight external political wars, but now even more so, the wars within our very own souls.  For over the last 8 decades we have seen an emergence inside the recovery rooms of places like Alcoholics Anonymous and many other recovery programs and church communities. Many of us, in these arenas have found the safety and solace in the common struggle with others to emerge on a clearer spiritual path.  We have witnessed and been a part of the evolution of change through the power of shared personal stories. The Voyager Projects will bring these courageous stories out of the rooms and out of the churches and onto a platform of wide birth. This will be where the restrictions of group think are lifted, and the speaker can finally fully embrace the vulnerability of their existence and deliver in his/her entirety the true human blueprint of their own evolutionary journey.  In doing so, the power of the shared story and greater sense of connection will bring us that much closer to what we knew all along.  What is in one, is in the whole.  This project is designed to move the listener closer to his/her highest self as the message of emergence turns the fears of change into hope and courage as we voyage onto this new transformational path together.

The best is yet to come. 

Work with me


Schedule on-going emotional support for Objective Listening, emotional support, understanding the criteria for describing your “spiritual journey,” editing assistance, creative ideas, or writing resource help.


Do you have a PERSONAL STORY OF SPIRITUAL EVOLUTION that you’d like to share with the world? Volume 1 is for sale now. Submit your story for the latest edition.


Stay tuned as we unroll Book Writing Webcasts and Workshops for future Voyagers!  Coming soon! Sign-up for emails to stay in the loop about upcoming opportunities.