Take part in the Voyager Projects.

Whatever it is, sharing your story can make all the difference.

Please fill out the form below with submissions for Volume 2.  General inquiries can also be submitted through this form.

Or, reach out to me directly at selfhealer51@outlook.com.

“How to slay your Dragons.”
Personal Stories of Spiritual Evolution

  • Submit your 1-page transformational non-fiction story on a word document. (Only one page please!)

  • Include your name, email address and location

  • Font Size 11 using Times New Roman

  • Final submission date is June 19, 2024. (The early bird gets the worm!)

I purposefully don’t go into detail about what I’m looking for.  I want you to interpret what it means to you to “slay your dragons” under the premise of being a Voyager and telling your story of spiritual evolution.

For hints, read our first volume!  This will be the second book of a heptalogy (a series of seven books).

I will be setting up Zoom calls, discuss timelines, and pricing.  This is made affordable because I want everyone to get the cathartic experience of writing a book of transformational non-fiction with strangers who become friends for life.

Thanks for your submission!  When I receive it I will send you a personal email confirmation to set up a  Zoom meeting.