The trees have eyes

I went walking in a cemetery. It’s such a comforting place. During my walk, I asked for help. I felt desperately human, wrapped in my own ego. I was comparing myself to a friend and feeling all the competitive I want some, toodesperation born out of the black hole of lack.

I was insecure and jealous. These emotions are demons. These are the shadow side of me. When the shadow shows up, I feel insecure and afraid. Afraid that there is enough for everyone else but not enough for me. The holy wonder I usually feel is knocked aside by the deepest unrest. 


I began saying out loud (and I mean, loud!), “Let go of this ego story! Please help me!” As soon as I called out, I turned my attention to the trees. The various shades of green were stunning. I descended into a trance as I considered the power of the limbs and the trunks towering over me. I wondered what it would feel like to be as solid and strong and sturdy as a tree rather than a wobbly and doubtful human. I poured out my complaints and requests, hopes and longings.

I realized that my way of thinking represented only one component of life. What if there were thousands of other ways to see? What if the trees were staring back at me? When I looked at the trees, we were looking at each other. I imagined that they were just as much in awe of me. Peace filled my interior castle. The spell of lack had been broken. 

As I approached the exit, a quiet prompt told me to walk across the grass. The detour took me to a small tombstone engraved with the letter C. A bit further on, I found another tombstone engraved only with the letter C. I always sign off my emails with C. My initials are CC. Then it hit me: SEE. Do you see us? We see you.

When you are pummeled by holy wonder, look in the mirror. Gaze into your eyes, peer beyond your human form. Keep looking until you see the great spirit living inside you. Look until you see the god expression. Whenever I look inside, I see a passionate, fierce spirit. The bios on this page share some of the god expressions of our initial group. They will tell you what our first Voyagers saw in the mirror.

Hannah Pomphrey
Owned and operated by Hannah Pomphrey, Designer and Creative Consultant. Hue & Tone specializes in print and web design for small businesses and non-profits.

My interview with Malin Ahman - The Pilgrim


Where are my dreams