You’ve come so far, let’s go further together.

One-on-one support

Schedule ongoing emotional support: $50/hour
(1 hour minimum)


Sometimes we feel unworthy to tell our story.  Sometimes we are determined and excited to tell our story, but we don’t know where to begin.  You and I can schedule a zoom conference call or a phone call.  This appointment will provide inspiration, levity, and support.  I will help liberate and unleash the writer within.  On a personal note, I am an extrovert, (most of the time). I find that if I have a sounding board such as a safe, empathetic person, I can crystallize my thoughts and feelings with greater ease.  This “talking out loud” method gets the information out of my head and in a way, releases me. This is “book writing therapy” at its finest.  Here are some of the ways I will help you get prepared for writing your story. I will also continue to under-pin your journey with empathic compassionate support.  Any of us who have written a transformational non-fiction (which is what the Voyager Projects is), knows a great support system makes all the difference. 

  • Objective Listening 

  • Emotional support – Learning to tell your story from your scars not your wounds 

  • Understanding the criteria for describing your “spiritual journey” 

  • Editing assistance

  • Writers block support

  • Creative ideas 

  • Resource tips 

Book a paid support session with me using the link below

Submit Your Story

Schedule a FREE 30-minute consult to discuss your story idea before you submit it.


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The Voyager Projects: How to Say "Yes" to Your Inner Life

Not an ordinary self-help book, The Voyager Projects: Personal Stories of Spiritual Evolution is the first anthology of a growing online community of women who use storytelling to cultivate an inner life through self-esteem, spiritual evolution, mindfulness, and self-discovery.