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The Voyager Projects: How to Say "Yes" to Your Inner Life

Every woman's path to her inner life is unique. 

But how do you begin? Who are your models and community? Where do you find the courage to commit to honoring your deepest self? Are you experiencing synchronicities and signs that seem to point toward inner transformation, but you're afraid to leap? What techniques support you as you take your first steps toward the call of your soul?

The Voyagers, seven extraordinary women from four countries and three continents, share their inspirational real-life stories of courage to inspire your journey within. 

Written by the sacred seven: Colleen Carden, Penny Rosina, Julie-Ann Coombs, Emmie Moss, Judi Erickson, Amy Brenneman, and Malin Åhman.

Not an ordinary self-help book, The Voyager Projects: Personal Stories of Spiritual Evolution is the first anthology of a growing online community of women who use storytelling to cultivate an inner life through self-esteem, spiritual evolution, mindfulness, and self-discovery.

About the Authors

Colleen Carden

Colleen Carden is a leader, spiritual guide, and community builder. She founded Energetic Sweep, a professional organizing company, and The Voyager Projects, an international platform for women writers.

 For many years, Colleen served in the International Churches of Christ ministry in Boston, Massachusetts, and Portland, Maine, later transitioning to healthcare operations management, developing systems, methods, and procedures for large and small medical practices. Now, she applies her training in OM to her work with The Energetic Sweep to facilitate personal systems in the home that inspire greater productivity in her clients’ lives, promoting creativity to help them reach their individual goals.

 Colleen’s vision for The Voyager Projects is to create a platform that supports women’s spiritual evolution through storytelling. She conceives of The Voyager Projects as a global community for women who seek to liberate themselves from limiting beliefs and achieve personal and spiritual growth.

 Colleen was born in Nova Scotia, Canada and raised in the United States where she has lived in North Carolina since 2001 and the town of Hillsborough since 2018. She has a 25 year old son. As an emerging writer, she is sure it was no accident that she ended up in “America’s little literary town.” The Voyager Projects anthology is her first book.

Learn more about Colleen >

Penny Rosina

Born in Dallas, Texas and growing up in Austin, Penny Rosina was a quiet child who loved reading. On any summer afternoon, when other children were outside playing, Penny could be found sitting on the cool tile of her bedroom floor, immersed in a book.

Anything involving reading and writing were always her favorite subjects in school, from high school continuing through her studies in Fine Arts at The University of Texas.

In recent years, Penny has worked as an IT healthcare consultant, designing and building medical records for hospitals across the U.S. 

Penny began her spiritual work when she was living in Canada, spent 3 years studying the Japanese healing art of Reiki, and is now a Reiki Master with clients all over the world.

Penny also enjoys music, photography, and is a mixed media artist. She is the author of Exit Wounds—Collected Poems. Currently in the works is a book containing her photography, as well as another book of poems, some short stories, and a novel in progress.

Learn more about Penny >

Julie-Ann Coombs

Julie-Ann Coombs is a Voyager, well-grounded and dedicating her life to the attributes of human abilities and all the dimensions classified as esoteric, with a mesmerizing ability to see into unseen and undiscovered gifts that are within the beauty of others.

Her life has been successfully dedicated to working within bodywork healthcare and healing therapies; from Reiki to Yoga to advancing her Maya healing tutorials.

She holds regular spiritual gatherings and is constantly evolving with the changing consciousness. She is currently studying astrology and becoming a Nanna.

Actively turning experiences into writing and projecting, Coombs has now become one of the Voyager Seven, bringing wisdom, insight, and clarity to finding the gifts of consciousness. Why are you here? May her words be your gift!

She currently resides in a quiet beach area in tropical North Queensland, Australia. To find the latest on her work and writing, go to

Learn more about Julie-Ann >

Emmie Moss

Emmie Moss is a changework practitioner, piloting the journey with hypnosis, guided meditation, and art to create change with her co-pilots. She helps people out of holes and over mountains.

She knows the world is a difficult place to navigate. It’s a world in which we are separated from each other, God, and ourselves. As a child, she had no one to help her feel better about herself or process the world around her and began to deeply feel the sharpness of separation.

She believed she was the cause of everyone else’s pain and created a story about who she was and who she wasn’t. But she believes in our inherent calling to return to our natural state of unconditional love and acceptance of ourselves regardless of how far away from our hearts we’ve fallen. She believes in the magic and mystery of life and its persistence in guiding us back to the wholeness and beauty that our experiences have hidden from our view.

By learning to go within and listen to the higher wisdom inside of her, she learned how to help herself. She lovingly crafted a self-care toolbox to turn to when she needed to feel better or make sense of what was happening in the world. And now, she wants to share those tools with the world.

In her work, Moss uses movement, breath, language, and art to connect others to the field of infinite possibility. She coaches them into having a new experience in their mind, shifting thoughts that have kept them stuck for years.

Moss attempts to uncover what they truly need to cross the bridge from who they are today to who they wish to become. As they move into mind, body, and soul integration, they’ll begin to see themselves and the world around them in a new light.

Learn more about Emmie >

Judi Erickson

Judi Erickson knew her spiritual connection was strong from a very young age. She welcomes her beliefs and rituals chosen from the global universe. Judi believes that faith in the human spirit, mixed with messages gleaned from The Ancestors, prana movement, authentic dance and meditation practices can tune an individual to their right path. All it takes is the time and courage to listen. A Canadian chick, she lives the four seasons in beautiful Ontario.

Learn more about Judi >

Amy Brenneman

Amy Brenneman is a teacher, author, crystal healer, personal development advocate, and spiritual leader. Her passion is helping women discover their true talents, acknowledge their self-worth, and grow their confidence exponentially. Beyond her bachelor’s degree, teaching credential, and master’s degree in education, Amy has certifications in the field of health and wellness including massage therapy, energy work, somatic experiencing, color therapy, crystal healing and bodywork, spiritual coaching, and more.

Amy’s previous accolades include publishing Boxing the Blues Away, a book that was recognized in an issue of the Inland Empire Magazine as a Best New Book of 2021. Due to the recognition from her book, Amy was asked to write “How You Can Stop the Blues and Avoid Depression” for Forbes. With her background in energy work and a pure love for crystals, Amy has created a unique card deck, Crystal Clear Affirmations, to help women build their inner strength, find joy, and manifest their dreams. Her strong desire to help women succeed and live their best lives is why Amy created her spiritual Elements of Soul business. 

Amy resides in Southern California where she enjoys listening to the ocean waves during quiet walks along the beach. She is a loving wife and proud mother of two beautiful children. Amy’s plan for the future is to be the best wife and mother she can be while continuing to help women find their personal power and make their wildest dreams come true.

Learn more about Amy >

Malin Åhman

Malin Åhman is a seasoned leader with two decades of experience spanning civil engineering, real estate economics, and entrepreneurship. 

Breaking cultural norms from her humble beginnings on a traditional farm, Malin’s journey includes transformative pilgrimages across Europe and Hawaii, instilling in her a deep appreciation for nature’s wisdom.

As an author of Conscious Coworkers and the PILGRIM trilogy, Malin shares her insights on mindful living and leadership. Her expertise extends beyond writing as she guides others through board memberships and entrepreneurial endeavors. 

Grounded in mindfulness and a commitment to personal growth, Malin inspires others to embrace the present moment and align with their inner spirit. Her professional journey and spiritual quest converge to offer a compelling example of conscious living and leadership in action.

Learn more about Malin >

Want to be part of our next edition?

 “How To Slay Your Dragons:
Personal Stories of Spiritual Evolution”

  • Submit your 1-page transformational non-fiction story on a word document. (Only one page please!)

  • Include your name, email address and location

  • Font Size 11 using Times New Roman

  • Final submission date is June 19, 2024. (The early bird gets the worm!)

I purposefully don’t go into detail about what I’m looking for.  I want you to interpret what it means to you to “slay your dragons” under the premise of being a Voyager and telling your story of spiritual evolution.

For hints, read our first volume!  This will be the second book of a heptalogy (a series of seven books).

I will be setting up Zoom calls to discuss timelines and pricing. This is made affordable because I want everyone to get the cathartic experience of writing a book of transformational non-fiction with strangers who become friends for life.

Thanks for your submission!  When I receive it I will send you a personal email confirmation to set up a Zoom meeting.